Vintage 1983 Jefferson County Fairbury Nebraska Rural Farm Directory and Atlas

1983 Jefferson County Nebraska Farm Directory Atlas. Published by Directory Service Company of Boulder, Colorado. Measures 6.75 inches x 9.75 inches with 32 pages. Contains an alphabetical listing of rural residents.

Also includes a map of each of the 16 townships in Jefferson county, including: Eureka, Washington, Gibson, Plymouth, Meridian, Richland, Cub Creek, Jefferson, Lincoln, Fairbury, Rock Creek, Pleasant, Buckley, Antelope, Endicott, and Newton.

Towns include: Daykin, Diller, Endicott, Fairbury, Gladstone, Harbine, Jansen, Plymouth, Reynolds, and Steele City.

Condition is very good with some creases to page corners. Please note:  The white circles over the phone numbers in the second photo was an edit by me to the photo only.  This does not appear in the actual book.

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Category: History Books

Type: History Book

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